CLUB GOSSIP - Snip Snip Hooray – Fuzzy Retires The Swim Team

The latest gossip circulating around town is that popular entertainer, Semaj Yarn, also known as DJ Fuzzy, is planning to have a vasectomy because of several close pregnancy calls this past year. The Philadelphia born celebrity who once said, “It’s against my religion to pull out” is rumored to be concerned about women trying to trap him with a kid. He is said to feel particularly vulnerable because of the religious problem he has with pulling out coupled with a severe allergic reaction to condoms. But is it true? The Oily Discharge decided to call Fuzzy and find out if he’s really going to have a vasectomy.
“You goddam right I am,” he said from his palatial office in Garner, NC. “Next month, in Chapel Hill. It’s happenin.’ Hey man, bitches be throwin’ that shit at me left and right. I got 99 problems but a pregnant hoe ain’t gonna be one.” “But what if you should meet someone special and want to have a baby with them?” we asked. “Been there, done that. I ain’t drivin’ no minivan. I’m about to be a RETIRED baby maker. I’m gonna be all juice and no seeds baby. I kid you not.”
Goodluck Fuzzy. It takes balls to get a vasectomy.