Chica Lives!

BY: Dustin Capps
Hurricane season is back, and so is the Spicy Disaster, Chica Loca! This witty wordsmith and talented comic has not only performed in The Church before, but has quickly become a part of the Paddy’s family! A nerdy Latina single mom, Chica loves to share her experiences from the years she spent as a teacher. She is a tremendously friendly, down-to-earth, and honest individual; attributes all too rare in our world today.
Incidentally, don’t let Chica’s diminutive stature and aw-shucks demeanor fool you. This is a woman who stole a comedy club owner's Lamborghini and went joyriding across state lines. She returned it only because she had to attend a PTA meeting. We are delighted to have Chica back on our comedy stage again this month. Extra security will be on duty to try to stop her from stealing Paddy’s minivan.