CLUB GOSSIP - Curve Ball

Joshua “The Curve” Curvin, the handsome young dart player from Alabama, who plays on the Fayetteville city dart team, recently underwent surgery to correct the 90-degree bend in his penis, a result of chronic Peyronie’s Disease. The surgery was successful, but the recuperation period is substantial. To kill two birds with one stone, The Curve decided to have surgery on his right shoulder at the same time. So, what happened to The Curve’s shoulder?
“I damaged my right shoulder after my girlfriend, Monica, and I broke up,” said The Curve when contacted by The Oily Discharge for comment. “I was wanking seven to ten times a day. That led to me tearing my shoulder up pretty bad. I tried wanking with my left hand, but it’s not the same. So, I went ahead and had the dick and shoulder surgery within a few days of each other. Wanking aside, it will be nice to be able to piss while standing directly in front of the toilet as opposed to standing parallel to it. Plus, Monica has been helping me change the bandages on my dick, so we’re kinda falling in love again.”