Dear Alice

Dear Alice,
Recently, I walked in on my wife when she was using a dildo. I didn’t even know she liked sex toys, which is not a problem, but when I asked her why she hadn’t mentioned it, she told me that it was because the dildo was made from a mold of her ex-husbands’ penis and she didn’t want me to feel “weird.” She says that I shouldn’t read into it too much, but I can’t get it out of my mind. What do I do?
Dec C, Saratoga Springs, NY
Dear Dec C,
My first thought is GTFOOT – Get The Feck Out Of There. I wonder if your wife would feel “weird” if she found out that you were secretly having your way with a mold of your ex-wifes’ vagina. I think you would be packing your bags, pronto, and told in no uncertain terms to go back to the person you really want to be with. It’s a red flag, to say the least, Dec. There’s lots of fish in the sea. Find one who wants to be with you and not an inanimate object that represents someone and something else entirely. Unless, of course, you’re into that kind of thing. Good luck either way.
Alice Gibney - Dublin, Ireland