Employee of the Month

Megan Michelle Lee
aka Meg aka Tugboat aka Nutmeg aka The Stallion
- Shut up, Meg.
- Her pussy’s in the back.
- Black men seem to love her for some reason.
- Her favorite song is “Ass and Titties” by DJ Assalt.
- Meg holds the NC record for the longest fart – 13 seconds.
- Her flatulence is no match for her aromatherapy.
- Meg is the first person to ever finish watching Pornhub.
- She started a band in high school called Meg and The Megabytes, but they never got a gig.
- With Meg’s luck, if she’s reincarnated, she’ll probably come back as herself.
- How do you make Meg’s eyes light up? Shine a flashlight in her ears.
- How do you make Meg laugh on Saturday? Tell her a joke on Wednesday.
- What did Meg’s left tit say to her right tit? “We better perk up or people will think we’re nuts.”
- Megan is beautiful, hard-working, down-to-earth, and reliable. She is a wonderful mom, a kind and loyal friend, and a fantastic mixologist.