Dear Alice
Dear Alice,
My girlfriend’s vagina smells like rotten meat. What should I do?
Tom J.
patrpatriPatrFayetteville, NC
Dear Tom,
What should you do? Hope that you’re not the cause of it. Vaginas usually have a musky smell, but if it smells like something crawled in there and died, bacterial vaginosis is most likely the culprit. However, it could be Trichomoniasis, which is a STD. That could mean one of two things – either you have been sticking your banana in someone else’s fruit salad, or your girlfriend has a bit of crumpet on the side. Another possibility is that there’s a tampon in there that she’s forgotten about. We do forget sometimes. Whatever the case, she needs to make an appointment with her gynecologist immediately. In the meantime, encourage her to stay away from tight-fitting clothing, wear cotton panties only, change quickly out of soiled or sweaty underwear, wash her kitty thoroughly with lots of warm water (no soap), and drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
Alice Gibney
Dublin, Ireland