Robb Kimes – Southpaw Style

BY Elaina J. Martin
Week after week, on Wednesday nights around 6 p.m., Robb “Southpaw” Kimes sits in the back of the Church Entertainment Lounge and puts pen to paper. Kimes is a left-handed artist with a day job as an illustrator. He is part of the Dragon Lair’s art team. He represents the Dragon’s Lair, Fayetteville’s oldest comic bookstore, at Art Attack.
Kimes has been drawing for over 40 years. Starting when he was young, he communicated through his drawings. He has dyslexia and found that drawing the “answers” to questions, especially at school, was his way to write. He took art classes in high school, watched numerous videos, and learned from the art books that now occupy 3 bookcases in his home. In 2015, Kimes got sick, spending much of his time at home, he began to fill his time with drawing. When he healed, his hobby became his full-time job. His current projects include illustrating a card game and drawing comic book covers.
The greatest thing about art, Kimes believes, is “Creating something from nothing. You start with a simple line on a sheet of paper, and it forms into something,” Kimes says. His advice for anyone wanting to learn how to draw? “Just draw. Don’t worry about it being perfect. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Good or bad. It has to get done.”
Kimes’ favorite part of Art Attack is the people. “It’s great getting to meet people – artists, musicians, comedians,” Kimes says. “I love it when people come back here and are fascinated by what we do.” The man who considers himself “imaginative” and “quirky,” gets two thumbs-up from Olivia, a nine-year-old who attended Art Attack on November 13th. She finds her way to the back table and, with the encouragement of Kimes, uses her imagination to enter his world of art. Kimes accepts commissions and can be contacted at @Art_of_southpaw on IG, email him at artofsouthpaw@gmail.com, or meet him at Art Attack.