Club Gossip ~ Siix Inches Off

A former lover of popular Paddy’s entertainer, Galileo Flores, aka DJ Siix, is claiming that he recently had over six inches removed from his dick. Speaking to The Oily Discharge on the condition of anonymity, she says that Siix’s dick size is a problem for most women, and not just because of the length. “It’s fourteen inches long, but it’s also seven inches around. It looks like a child’s leg” she claims. Universally liked for his handsome good looks, down-to-earth demeanor, and abundant talent, DJ Siix is always surrounded by women, but according to his former lover, he never wants it to get physical right off the bat.
“He’s incredibly careful, for a number of reasons. Once he pulls Pedro out – that’s what he calls his dick – Pedro - it’s game over for most females. The shock is overwhelming for some. But not only that - it takes an enormous amount of blood to get Pedro fully erect, so he has to have sex while on his back in case he passes out. I love him though. The only reason we’re not together anymore is because my gynecologist recommended, I stop.”