Employee of the Month

Virginia Griffith - aka Ginny aka Cheese aka Clam Jam aka Umfufu
- Ginny is one of Kevin Marshall’s main bitches. She has a BSc in economics, an MBA, and a master’s degree in finance, which means blowjobs are probably out of the question, and anal will definitely not be happening.
- Her boyfriend doesn’t care about the “no blowjobs” rule because Black men don’t eat pussy.
- In order to get off during sex with her boyfriend, Ginny closes her eyes and thinks of Chase Rice.
- She prefers uncircumcised men because she LOVES cheese.
- High heels, waxing, make-up, and fashion are just some of the things she has learned about from her current boyfriend, Kevin.
- Reading dirty magazines with one hand and aggressive masturbation with the other has led to a horribly deformed elbow, but she claims it’s the result of a trampoline accident when she was a kid.
- She deals with her lesbian tendencies like she does pooping, she buries it and moves on.
- If you’re a Black man and you see Ginny with a dentist mirror duck taped to her shoe, beware – she’s trying to look up your pant leg.
- Ginny and Kevin bought each other shears for Christmas so they could shear each other’s backs at least once a week.
- Ginny is as smart as she is beautiful, as gentle as she is strong, and as tough as she is kind. She is a teacher, a leader, and a great example.