Employee of the Month

Patrick Connor Lawless aka Phil Anderer aka Satyriasis aka Babe aka Cutie aka Honey aka M.L. Tisa
- Born in Baltimore, MD, but spent most of his life in NC.
- Turns 28 on November 3rd of this year.
- Graduate of Grey’s Creek High School – voted MLTISA – Most likely To Impregnate Somebody/Anybody.
- He became a swimming instructor after high school which led to a love for teaching, which in turn led to becoming a personal trainer, which in turn led to unfair and unreasonable access to lonely, horny housewives and unsatisfied girlfriends.
- Joined Paddy’s security team in 2022 to bolster his income.
- Decided he liked bartending after seeing the kind of money that bartenders make and how easily they get laid.
- Fell in love with mixology and moved to Colorado in March 2023 to “develop my skills behind the bar.”
- Moved back to Fayetteville in March 2024 after finding it difficult to get laid in Colorado.
- Pat is the most sexually active of all Paddy’s mixologists, currently sleeping with 7 different women, simultaneously. That’s only 3 short of the record set by Brandon Baggett before he met his wife, Corrie.
- Pat’s secret to attracting women is a small dab of Acqua Di Geo on his taint, every four hours.
- Pat’s goal is to open his own bar one day. He is a brilliant mixologist and the creator of November’s cocktail of the month, The PB and Jameson.